Starting point is your status quo: Which situations stress you in a negative way? What are your stressors? We clarify what your vision of an optimal solution is and how I can support you to reach it.
In the following sessions potential topics could be…
The duration of a coaching varies, depending on the individual needs. In general we assume weekly sessions à 90 minutes that can take place online or in person. In addition you need approx. 10 minutes daily for reflection and exercises.
As a coach I am at your disposal to accompany and guide you during your process and initiate change – however, be aware that only you yourself are responsible for the actual change work and that it can only work if you adopt this responsibility!
Happy to accompany you on your unique journey towards more ease, serenity, and inner balance!
The term “Coaching” always sounds a lot like “corporation” and “management” so that many people initially think “that doesn`t concern me anyway”.
However, coaching generally addresses everyone: A coach supports, advises, and accompanies people in challenging life situations they cannot cope with by themselves. My portfolio, for example, focuses on stress. Hence I am contacted by people that are mentally blocked, out of balance and unable to think clearly – not to mention the ability to take decisions or initiate change.
The bandwidth of potential coaching topics is large. At bottom coaching can always be helpful if you are suffering from a pain or pressure that you cannot resolve by yourself.
The first step is an initial discussion during which the coachee`s issue and the assignment of the coach are clarified. The second step consists of setting a concrete, realistic, reasonable and measurable target – this is the most important basis to ensure the success of a coaching.
As a coach it is my main task to listen without judging, to question and mirror in order to give the coachee room for self reflection. As well, I convey suitable tools and methods e.g. to deal with stress, crisis, emotions and I support the coachee in establishing own coping strategies.
Every session ends with a reflection of the current status versus the formulated target of the coachee.
The basic idea of coaching is to deal with the issues in a target oriented and timely manner. The aim is to enable the coachee to activate own resources and to be able to cope with the situation by him- or herself as fast as possible.
On the part of the coachee there is no need for intensive preparation. Willingness and discipline are key – they are the only way towards real change!
Coaching means “helping you help yourself” – as a coach I act as a sparring partner while the coachee basically works out solutions by him- or herself. Or in other words: As a coachee you are the driver and I am your navigation system. You tell me where to go and I suggest the route and ask you from time to time if you would like to turn left or right.
To take on and implement this role is the essence of coaching.
First and foremost a good coach must be empathetic and authentic and be able to listen deeply. He or she needs a healthy portion of pragmatism, common sense, and humor. And, of course, life experience.
On the methods side a coach must certainly have appropriate professional foundations that are necessary in any job: In case of coaching we are talking mainly about listening and questioning skills as well as the knowledge about suitable tools, exercises and other methods to deal with a coachee`s issues in a suitable and tailored way.
Besides classical coaching educations the market provides a multitude of training offers – as a prospective coach you have to select which ones are useful for your own portfolio.
Coaching is a very personal matter. In the course of a coaching the coachee usually reveals a lot about him- or herself. Consequently, a trustful relationship between coach and coachee is extremely important.
If the “chemistry” and the gutfeeling are right you usually realize quite fast once you get to know each other in a non binding initial talk.
I for my part have included a short video here on the website where I talk a little bit about myself with the aim to give you an initial idea if I could be the right coach for you and you would like to get to know me personally.
Christiane Foerster
Pfeiferstr. 1
72622 Nürtingen